Wellbeing to improve the collective efficiency
Preventing risks at work individually and collectively
to ensure optimal Quality of Life at Work

Engage as many employees as possible in an innovative occupational health prevention program.
A system combining workshops and the distribution of educational content as well as exercises, to support the implementation of a new wellbeing and teleworking agreement.
Strong involvement associated with health benefits
of the employees concerned
committed employees
perceive a decrease of their initial genes
The fight against digital fatigue,
a major wellbeing issue
Digital fatigue is the result of our new environments and ways of working: processes are increasingly digitalized, employees are more sedentary and subject to daily digital stress…
all risks factors that must be taken into account taken into account to better prevent them.
Occupational health issues relate to:
1. Mental health with the fight against digital stress induced by digital over-exposure and “infobesity”.
2. Postural health with the appearance of MSDs (Musculo Skeletal Disorders)
3. Visual health with excessive daily use of screens.
Reach everyone
Even the least affected populations use screens – not counting screen time at home!
Innovate in Wellbeing
Go beyond the awareness workshop to support daily practice and obtain tangible results
Establish a positive digital culture
Objective: live better with screens, without feeling guilty or constrained, to encourage change management
Boost employee engagement
With collective challenges or by linking the use of our solutions with a contribution to charitable initiatives linked to digital